New Year Eve PSD Flyer Template
Stunning winter design with the cold ambience and celebrating spirit is waiting for you. This new template can be used as the main invitation to your New Year party.
Cold look with the snowflakes and white New Year tree and so appealing font will definitely attract the right attention. We used basically cold colors instead ofpresents, they look warm and traditionally! This combination of old and new approaches bring us to the outstanding result!
As the result, we get the celebrating vibes and catchy design. New Year Eve PSF Flyer Template is the great investment considering the high quality and comfortable use!
Organize your New Year party only with the best advertisement.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Free fonts used in design:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1) Britannic Bold
2) Myriad Pro
3) Century Gothic
Downloading our printable flyer templates, you get:
— A Photoshop PSD template file (CS4+ is necessary)
— 300 dpi CMYK 100% print ready
— Dimensions: 4.25×6.25 with 0.25 bleed
— Well-organized layers make editing easier
— Color coProductsded group
— Links to free fonts are in help file
— Help file included
— A cover for a Facebook page
— Order customization with 10% discount (
— Become a Member and get all premium flyers just for $0.09 (
— Model is not included