Karaoke PSD Flyer Template

Karaoke PSD Flyer Template



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To use these flyer template you need Adobe Photoshop



Karaoke PSD Flyer Template
Chill out with our new premium Karaoke PSD Flyer Template! The stylish and modern design will perfectly show the beauty of the ambiance on your club during the karaoke night party!
As usual, in the middle of the flyer, we add the sparkling micro, disco ball and add the intimate light like on the scene during the performance. We opt the dark plum color, it looks almost black with some seductive shade! You can purchase this flyer and enjoy the high-quality product, which can be customized easily in few minutes!
Appealing fonts and well-organized structure will add the serious look to the flyer. This design is completed, but still, you will need to customize it a little bit to provide your visitors with some important details about your event!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Free fonts used in design:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1) Flaming

2) Geometr706 Md bt


Downloading our printable flyer templates, you get:

— A Photoshop PSD template file (CS4+ is necessary)

— 300 dpi CMYK 100% print ready

— Dimensions: 4.25×6.25 with 0.25 bleed

— Well-organized layers make editing easier

— Color coded group

Links to free fonts are in help file

— Help file included

— A cover for a Facebook page

— Order customization with 10% discount  (https://styleflyers.com/customization)

— Become a Member and get all premium flyers just for $0.09 (https://styleflyers.com/membership-levels)

— Model is not included